PhD in Photoelectrochemistry経験:10年以上AustraliaID:PSE442
International Journal of Hydrogen Energyなどのジャーナルにおいて10年以上の査読および校正の経験を持つ。過去にデンマーク工科大学やオーストラリア連邦科学産業研究機構応用物理研究所にて科学者としての勤務経験もある。
Applied chemistry, Electrochemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Interface and colloid science, Physical chemistry, Energy (general), Renewable energy/alternate sources, Catalysis, Ceramics, Material characterization and instrumentation, Metallurgy, Metals and alloys, Nanomaterials, Applied physics, Rheology, Semiconductor physics
PhD, Photoelectrochemistry, University of New South Wales, Australia
BSc, Applied Physics (Honors), University of Technology, Australia
BSc, Applied Physics, University of Technology, Australia
Diploma of Scientific Practice, University
International journal of hydrogen energy, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Thin Solid Films, Journal of Membrane Science, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Acta Materialia, Review of scientific instruments, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Proceedings of SPIE, Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, Solid State Ionics, Coatings journal
UNSW Deans Award for Excellence in Postgraduate Research
Australian Institute of Physics/UTS Award for best Honours project
Scientist, Technical University of Denmark
Post-doctoral researcher, Technical University of Denmark
Experimental Scientist, CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering
Experimental Scientist, CSIRO Applied Physics