Author First, Quality First

PhD, Planetary Sciences



幅広い査読経験により、高い校閲、プルーフリーディングスキルを持つ。専門分野は太陽系小天体の地形学と鉱物学。Adobe PDF、MS Word、紙でのプルーフリーディングと校閲、地理空間データの取り扱い、GISを用いた地理空間分析と地形分析ができる。米国地質学会、 Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Irelandの会員としても活動している。


Planetary Science, Physics


PhD, Planetary Sciences, The Open University, UK
MA (Hons.) Archaeology, Edinburgh University, UK
BSc Earth Sciences, Birkbeck, University of London, UK


Large-scale fluid-deposited mineralization in Margaritifer Terra, Mars. Geophysical Research Letters 44(13), 6579-6588.
Widespread exposure of Noachian phyllosilicates in the Margaritifer region of Mars: Implications for paleohydrology and astrobiological detection. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 122(3), 483-500.
Mercury's low-reflectance material: constraints from hollows. Icarus, 277, 455-465.
Explosive volcanism in complex impact craters on Mercury and the Moon: influence of tectonic regime on depth of magmatic intrusion. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 431, 164-172
A cone on Mercury: Analysis of a residual central peak encircled by an explosive volcanic vent. Planetary and Space Science, 108, 108-116.
Mechanisms of explosive volcanism on Mercury: Implications from its global distribution and morphology. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 119(10), 2239-2254. \nLong-lived explosive volcanism on Mercury. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(17), 6084-6092.
Hollows on Mercury: Materials and mechanisms involved in their formation. Icarus, 229, 221-235.
Identification of possible recent water/lava source vents in the Cerberus plains: stratigraphic and crater count age constraints. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.\n


ABC Level 4 diploma Proofreading and Editing (Distinction), College of Media and Publishing, UK


Proofreader/Copyeditor, Freelance, London, UK
Research Associate, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Boulder, CO, USA
Facilitator, Moons MOOC, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
Web entrepreneur (Self-Employed)
Website administrator, developer and copywriter, Co-Owner, Rhino \n


The Geological Society of America \r\nMineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland
