Author First, Quality First

PhD in Cardiovascular
経験:17年以上United States



American Journal of Physiologyなどのジャーナル原稿や書籍の校正、査読に17年以上にわたり携わる。ISRN Pulmonology Journalをはじめとする多数のジャーナルの校正委員でもあり、過去にシュプリンガー社における校正責任者を務めたこともある。


Plant biochemistry, General biochemistry, Metabolism, Animal biochemistry, Biophysics, Plant anatomy/Phytoanatomy, Plant physiology/Phytophysiology, Cancer research, Cell biology, Enzymology, Pharmaceutical microbiology, Medical microbiology, Molecular biology, Structural biology, Pharmaceutical research, Biomedical research (Experimental medicine), Infectious disease, Molecular Medicine, Pulmonology/Respiratory medicine, Vascular medicine


PhD, Cardiovascular, University of Sherbrooke, Canada
MS, Plant Biochemistry, University of Sherbrooke, Canada
BS, Biology (Honours), University of Concordia, Canada


Am. J. Physiol, J. Biol. Chem, Biochemistry, J. Physiol., Purinergic Signal., Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol., J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., Mol. Cell, Drug Dev. Res., Mol. Med., Eur. J. Pharmacol., Biochim. Biophys. Acta, Biochem. Pharmacol., New Phytol.


Editor-In-Chief, Springer Publishing Co.
Advisor, CFRx Research Institute
Research Assistant Professor, Cystic Fibrosis Pulmonary Research/Treatment Center
Consultant Biochemist, Inspire Pharmaceutical Inc.
Researcher, University of British Columbia


Board of editors in Open Arthritis Journal
Board of editors in Open Rheumatology Journal
Board of editors in ISRN Pulmonology Journal
Board of editors in International Journal of COPD
Board of editors in Drug Metabolism and Toxicology
