間違いやすい用語や表現 - Stay
remain、「to be」動詞、exist、be positioned、come to rest、be fixed、be unchanged、be motionless、remain motionless、stop、converge、live、reside
[誤] (1) The value of S stays near 0 until t =τ.
[正] (1) The value of S remains near 0 until t =τ.
[誤] (2) In the present case, the current stays constant.
[正] (2) In the present case, the current is constant.
[誤] (3) The patient’s condition has stayed the same.
[正] (3) The patient’s condition has not changed.
[正] (3’) The patient’s condition has been unchanged.
[正] (3’’) The patient’s condition has been stable.
[誤] (4) During World War II, Picasso stayed in Paris.
[正] (4) During World War II, Picasso lived in Paris.
[正] (4’) During World War II, Picasso resided in Paris.
[誤] (5) Throughout the experiment, the temperature stayed at 3.0±0.1℃.
[正] (5’) Throughout the experiment, the temperature was fixed at 3.0±0.1℃.