

[誤] The new experimental technique is particularly noteworthy in the context of the experiment of Min et al., because of its role in establishing the anomalous nature of the growth rate.

[正] The new experimental technique is particularly noteworthy in the context of the experiment of Min et al., because of the role of this technique in establishing the anomalous nature of the growth rate.

[正] The new experimental technique is particularly noteworthy in the context of the experiment of Min et al., because of the role of this experiment in establishing the anomalous nature of the growth rate.

[誤] We then obtain the quantity U = cx² , where c is a constant. We discuss its value in Sec. 2.

[正] We then obtain the quantity U = cx² , where c is a constant. We discuss the value of this quantity in Sec. 2.

[正] We then obtain the quantity U = cx² , where c is a constant. We discuss the value of this constant in Sec. 2.

[誤] In this paper, we expand our approach to treat semilinear parabolic equations and introduce a certain weight function defined on the time-dependent Sobolev space, which plays an important role in our treatment.

[正] In this paper, we expand our approach to treat semilinear parabolic equations and introduce a certain weight function defined on the time-dependent Sobolev space. This weight function plays an important role in our treatment.

[正] In this paper, we expand our approach to treat semilinear parabolic equations and introduce a certain weight function defined on the time-dependent Sobolev space. This space plays an important role in our treatment.

[誤] These diseases are often misdiagnosed because their early symptoms are very similar to those of several other diseases of the immune system. In the present paper, we propose a new method for uniquely distinguishing them.

[正] These diseases are often misdiagnosed because their early symptoms are very similar to those of several other diseases of the immune system. In the present paper, we propose a new method for correctly diagnosing these diseases.

[正] These diseases are often misdiagnosed because their early symptoms are very similar to those of several other diseases of the immune system. In the present paper, we propose a new method for uniquely distinguishing the early symptoms of each disease.




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