間違いやすい用語や表現 -複数形の誤用


[誤] (1) These data analysis studies have added many knowledges to our understanding of neuronal firing patterns.
[正] (1’) These data analysis studies have added much knowledge to our understanding of neuronal firing patterns.
[誤] (2) In the final section, we give concluding discussions.
[正] (2’) In the final section, we give concluding discussion.
[誤] (3) We report previously unobserved behaviors in the metallic superconductor Sr2RuO4.
[正] (3’) We report previously unobserved behavior in the metallic superconductor Sr2RuO4.
[正] (3’’) We report previously unobserved types of behavior in the metallic superconductor Sr2RuO4.
[誤] (4) We first introduce some notations.
[正] (4’) We first introduce some notation.
[誤] (5) There have been great progresses in the field of machine learning in recent years.
[正] (5’) There has been great progress in the field of machine learning in recent years.
[誤] (6) Here we study the time evolutions of protein corona formations.
[正] (6’) Here we study the dynamics of protein corona formation.
[誤] (7) Study of the present model provides many new informations.
[正] (7’) Study of the present model provides much new information.
[誤] (8) There are many researches on the causes and effects of climate change.
[正] (8’) There is a great deal of research on the causes and effects of climate change.
[正] (8’’) There is a great body of research on the causes and effects of climate change
[正] (8’’’) There are many studies on the causes and effects of climate change.
[誤] (9) We next study how the efficiency of the decision-making process can be increased by the introduction of random noises.
[正] (9’) We next study how the efficiency of the decision-making process can be increased by the introduction of random noise.
[誤] (10) There is a lack of evidences for the existence of gravitons.
[正] (10’) There is a lack of evidence for the existence of gravitons.
[誤] (11) The author is grateful to M. Stevens for her advices on the various methods of sample preparation.
[正] (11’) The author is grateful to M. Stevens for her advice on the various methods of sample preparation.
[誤] (12) There are few agreements among these sets of results.
[正] (12’) There is little agreement among these sets of results.
[誤] (13) The various energies in this system can be understood as follows.
[正] (13’) The various forms of energy in this system can be understood as follows.
[誤] (14) Such uncontrolled motions of the detector and the source can result in significant error in the measurement of the scattering angle.
[正] (14’) Such uncontrolled motion of the detector and the source can result in significant error in the measurement of the scattering angle.





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