間違いやすい用語や表現 ー based
[誤] (1) We performed this experiment based on the method introduced in Ref. [1].
[誤] (2) Based on these assumptions, we are able to derive the results listed in Fig. 2.
[誤] (3) This conclusion was reached partially based upon the argument given in Section 2.
これらの用例では、過去分詞「based」を含む過去分詞句はいずれも主節の動詞を修飾し、誤って副詞的な働きをしています。それぞれの例文における過去分詞句とそれらが修飾する動詞は、(1)では「based on the method introduced in Ref. [1]」と「performed」、(2)では「Based on these assumptions」と「are able」、(3)では「partially based upon the argument given in Section 2」と「was reached」となっております。
[正] (1) We performed this experiment on the basis of the method introduced in Ref. [1].
[正] (1’) We performed this experiment using the method introduced in Ref. [1].
[正] (2) On the basis of these assumptions, we are able to derive the results listed in Fig. 2.
[正] (2’) With these assumptions, we are able to derive the results listed in Fig. 2.
[正] (2’’) Making these assumptions, we are able to derive the results listed in Fig. 2.
[正] (3) This conclusion was reached partially on the basis of the argument given in Section 2.
[正] (3’) The argument given in Section 2 helped us in reaching this conclusion.
[正] (3’’) The argument given in Section 2 was used in reaching this conclusion.
[正] (1)、[正] (1’)、 [正] (2)、[正] (2’)、[正] (2’’)、[正] (3)では原文における過去分詞句が正しく機能している他の修飾句に置き換えられています。その修飾句は、それぞれ[正] (1)、[正] (2)、[正] (2’)、[正] (3)では、主節の動詞を修飾する前置詞句「on the basis of the method introduced in Ref. [1]」、「On the basis of these assumptions」、「With these assumptions」、「on the basis of the argument given in Section 2」であり、[正] (1’)と[正] (2’’)では主節の主語を修飾する現在分詞句「using the method introduced in Ref. [1]」と「Making these assumptions」です。一方、[正] (3’)と[正] (3’’)ではより全面的な修正方法が使われており、原文の過去分詞句が意味していた内容を、主節の動詞「helped」そして「was used」が表しています。